Simple is better...

Flash Movie Player logoFlash Movie Player translation guide

Currently, Flash Movie Player has the following translations (in order of appearance):

You can freely translate Flash Movie Player from English to your own language. Here are the instructions:

  1. All language files are located in the {Flash Movie Player}\language\ directory and have a .lng extension. The English template language file English.txt is also located in the \language directory too. Copy this template file English.txt to the new file with the name of your language and the .lng extension (for example, German.lng).
  2. Open this .lng file in any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, etc.) and translate the quoted strings after the equal sign (=) to your language. For example, for the line FileMI.Caption="&File" you only need to translate the "&File" part.

    Here are some more translation tips:

    • Do not translate "Flash Movie Player" in the strings, as this is the name of the software.
    • All non-alphanumerical characters must remain the same as in the original, do not change any "%s" constructions, spaces, quotes, hyphens. Translate only the text.
    • The preceding ampersand sign (&) is used to indicate the menu accelerator key and enables the user to access a menu command from the keyboard by pressing Alt + the corresponding letter. The letter following the ampersand appears underlined in the menu.
  3. Specify the language information in the [Lang] section of file.

    Fill in the following properties:

    • Name (Name of the language as it will be listed in the Languages box)
    • Author (Your name/any other information you want to provide)
    • Description (Description of your translation, any comments)
    • Charset (Font charset, see below).

    If your language includes specific non-English characters, you can specify the font charset for your translation as follows:


    All available Charset values:

    ANSIANSI characters.
    EASTEUROPEIncludes diacritical marks for eastern european countries.
    BALTICBaltic characters.
    RUSSIANCyrillic characters.
    SHIFTJISJapanese shift-JIS characters.
    HANGEULKorean characters (Wansung).
    JOHABKorean characters (Johab).
    GB2312Simplified Chinese characters (mainland China).
    CHINESEBIG5Traditional Chinese characters (Taiwanese).
    HEBREWHebrew characters.
    ARABICArabic characters.
    GREEKGreek characters.
    TURKISHTurkish characters.
    VIETNAMESEVietnamese characters.
    THAIThai characters.
  4. Test the program after the translation. Try to check out all dialogs and strings of the program.
  5. Please send us the translated file and we will include it in the player installation. Use email address for contact.