Simple is better...

Flash Player Plug-in Installation Manual

This article contains the information about the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and how to install it for the Flash Movie Player despite its end of life.


Adobe Flash Player End Of Life

As you may know, Flash Movie Player requires the Flash Player plug-in from Adobe to operate. As you also may know, Adobe announced the End Of Life for the Flash technology. It doesn't support its Flash Player plug-in anymore and strongly recommends all users uninstall it due to security considerations. All the latest plug-in versions stopped working and even being deleted or unregistered from the system with the latest Windows updates.

After updating Flash plugin to the latest version, you may have noticed that the Flash Movie Player is not working anymore, showing the "End of life" screen:

Flash Player End Of Life Screen

The solution

We have found the solution to keep our software working. Flash Movie Player 2.0 introduces the following changes:

There are some more internals to explain. Since the ActiveX technology requires the registration of components in the Windows registry, there are two possible scenarios:

How to install the required Flash Player library automatically

Just download and run the installer of Flash Movie Player 2.0.

Since the Adobe Flash Player license prohibits redistribution, our installer will download the flash player installer from the Internet Archive. Internet Archive is a respectable non-profit library which, in contrast to Adobe official website, still hosts the Adobe Flash distributions.

Make sure that you have an internet connection, no third-party firewall is blocking it, and the installer will try to do its best automatically.

How to install the required Flash Player library manually

If your computer doesn't have access to an internet connection, something is wrong with the automatic installation, or you just prefer to make everything by yourself, here is the step-by-step instruction for installing Flash player library for Flash Movie Player (in a few words: you need to place the Flash.dll with version into the /bin subdirectory of the program folder):

  1. Download flashplayer32_0r0_371_winax.exe installation file from the Internet Archive. Internet Archive is a respectable non-profit library which, in contrast to Adobe official website, still hosts the Adobe Flash distributions.

  2. Run the installation file.

    On the latest Windows versions you may notice that the installer doesn't work and shows the message "Your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser includes the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player built-in. Windows Update will inform you when new versions of the Flash Player are available":
    Flash player controlled by Windows Update

    In this case invoke the file properties:
    Flash player installer in Windows Explorer

    ...and enable the Windows 7 compatibility mode:
    Flash player installer Windows 7 compatibility mode

  3. Install the plugin. The first screen of the correctly functioning installer should look like this:
    Flash player installer

  4. After the installation use the File Explorer and navigate to the folder:

    • on 64-bit Windows: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash"
    • on 32-bit Windows: "C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash"
  5. Copy "Flash32_32_0_0_371.ocx" file:
    Flash plugin copy

  6. ...and paste it into the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flash Movie Player\bin":
    Flash plugin rename

    After that rename it to "Flash.dll":
    Flash plugin rename

  7. Now you can check if your Flash Movie Player is working properly. After that it's strongly recommended to uninstall Adobe Flash Player.
    Click Start menu > Settings > Apps, select "Adobe Flash Player 32 ActiveX" and click "Uninstall": Flash plugin rename